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History of postgraduate studies at the Physics Department

Postgraduate studies in Physics have been offered at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens long before the creation of the Physics Department as an independent entity within the School of Sciences in 1982. These postgraduate studies were originally offered either in the form of independent seminars and courses leading to a doctorate degree, or as structured postgraduate studies leading to a “Master Degree” in one of the research areas of “Electronics and Radioelectronics” (first offered in 1946) “Electronic Automation”(first offered in 1972) and “Meteorology” (first offered in 1946). At the same time, the Department participated together with the Departments of Biology, Geology and Chemistry in curriculum leading to a Master degree in “Oceanography”, which was offered until 1992-93. At the same time, the Department was actively involved in research in both Basic and Applied Physics and leading to dozens of postgraduate students obtaining their Ph.D. in the field of Natural Sciences.

In 1994, the Physics Postgraduate Studies Program was inaugurated with the aim the pursuit of knowledge and the development of research in Physical Sciences, giving the opportunity to students to obtain MSc in Physics.

Since then, the MSc degrees of “Electronics and Radio Electronics” and “Electronic Automation” have been taught together with the Informatics Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, while the MSc in “Meteorology” was renamed to "MSc in Environmental Physics".

The curriculum of the Physics Postgraduate Studies Program has been updated twice in the past (2002 and 2014), in order to keep up with current research developments.