School of Science
The Department of Physics awards a unified Doctorate Degree in Physical Sciences.
The entry requirements for the doctorate program of the Department of Physics are (a) a graduate and (b) a postgraduate degree (MSc) in Physical Sciences from Greek Universities or Departments of Technical Universities, either from equivalent national or foreign University Departments recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC), or (c) a 5-year unified graduate degree in Physical Sciences or Engineering.
Applications are accepted in September, January and May of each year, following an announcement of the Department of Physics. In special occasions (e.g. related to a national call for research proposals) additional calls for applications may be announced.
Successful applicants are selected by the PhD Selection Committee (different for each area of research) and approved by the Department. A three-member advisory committee is nominated for each PhD student. One of the members of this committee is appointed as the PhD thesis supervisor. At least one of the members of the committee must belong to the Faculty of the Department of Physics.
The PhD candidate provides detailed reports every year on his/her research work to the advisory committee. The advisory committee submits an annual progress report which is registered to the candidate's academic record held by the Secretariat of the Department of Physics. Failure to provide an annual report or a negative report by the advisory committee may lead to dismissal of the candidate from the postgraduate program.
The minimum duration of the doctorate program is three full calendar years, starting from the date of the assignment of the advisory committee by the Department. The maximum duration of the PhD studies of 5 years with a possible extension by 1 year in very special circumstances.
The doctorate thesis can be written either in Greek or in English, accompanied by an extended abstract in English or in Greek, respectively, which will include the methodology, results and conclusions of the thesis.
Following its formal approval and recommendation by the advisory committee and the completion of the doctorate candidate's obligations, the doctoral thesis is defended in public by the candidate before a seven-member examination board, including the three members of the advisory committee (unless they have retired). Τhe examination committee is assigned by the Department. The doctorate thesis is evaluated as: Excellent, Very Good, Good and Not Accepted by the examination board.