English » Useful Information » Online Platforms and Services

Registration to Secretariats' Management System
After acquiring the registration number in the Department of Physics, and during their studies, students are required to use the Secretariat's web management system of the Department of Physics, to perform various actions. It is mandatory for every student to register following this link https://webadm.uoa.gr

Registration can be performed only once, and is completed in two stages: a) New account application and b) Account activation using PIN. After concluding the above procedure, students acquire a Username and a Password, both of which are permanent and secure access to the system, until the end of their studies. In order to interact with the Secretariat's website, students should use the above credentials.

Electronic Secretariat
This application can be accessed through any personal computer. Students can perform a variety of actions with comfort and ease. Specifically, students are able to:
1) Monitor, filter and print their grades.
1) Find information on every course of the Curriculum (teaching units, passing grade, weight factor, teacher, books etc.)
3) Register subjects of their interest.
4) Fill all the necessary applications provided by the Secretariat (transcript, conscription, tax office etc.). More information: https://my-studies.uoa.gr

Electronic Application for Student ID
Student ID is provided to under-graduate and post-graduate students. Each student qualifies for reduced ticket price for all national means of transport. Students can receive their ID after online applying.
More information: academicid.minedu.gov.gr

The e-class UOA platform (https://eclass.uoa.gr/ ) is a Course Management System that supports modern eLearning services via a common web browser. Its goal is the incorporation and constructive use of the Internet and web technologies in the teaching and learning process. It supports the electronic management, storage and presentation of educational material along with other teaching services for each course.

Web Service for Textbooks
The Eudoxus system is web service for the free provision of university textbooks to Higher Education undergraduate students in Greece. Every semester, a student can acquire information, select and obtain one textbook for each course.
More information: eudoxus.gr