School of Science
The research activities of the Section of Nuclear and Particle Physics focus on studying the fundamental properties of nuclei and subatomic particles, as well as their applications. The academic staff of the Section comprises both experimentalists and theorists, who are active in a broad range of subjects in collaboration with universities and research centers in Greece and abroad.
Theoretical Research
Nuclear Physics
• Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Particle Physics
• Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Information Group
• Particle Physics, Field Theory and Cosmology Group
• Quantum and Classical Gravity Group
• Strings, Fields and Mathematical Physics Group
• Theoretical Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model Group
Experimental Research
Nuclear Physics
• NuSTRAP Group (Nuclear Structure, Reactions & Applications)
Particle Physics
• ALICE Group
• ATLAS muon / GlueX Group
• UoA_CMS Group
Cosmic Rays
• Cosmic Ray Group
Ion-beam and Radiation Applications
• Medical Physics